Abstract:The creep of wood under the action of long-term load will increase the deformation of wooden beams or wooden columns, and bring hidden safety risks to the building structure. In order to improve the creep performance of wood components, an aluminum wood composite columns (AWC) was designed to make AWC with 0,2%, 3%, 3% and 4% respectively. The creep test of 0.25 stress ratio of the lower column lasted 30 days. The creep strain-time curve and creep coefficient-time curve were obtained and the AWC creep pattern was analyzed. Use burgers model to fit the creep strain-time curve to explore the influence of aluminum alloy content on AWC creep; analyze the causes of AWC int creep inhibition from AWC material characteristics and load transfer. The results show that, compared with AWC 1 with aluminum alloy content of 0, the creep deformation of AWC 2 ~ AWC 4 decreases to different degrees, that is, aluminum alloy can effectively enhance the creep deformation ability of wood; The four AWC creep strain-time curve correlation coefficient based on burgers model are greater than 0.95, and the creep prediction model constructed by this model can predict the AWC creep.