Abstract:The Yakela region is located in the northern part of the Tarim Basin. The review of old wells in 2021 shows that the new proven geological reserves of oil in the Paleogene Kumugeliemu Formation in the YK6H block of Yakela are 86. 7 × 104 t, and the struc- tural amplitude of the oil and gas reservoirs that have been discovered so far is low, and it is difficult to identify similar low-amplitude structural traps, and the matching relationship between the accumulation conditions is not clear. In order to find new favorable zones for oil and gas development and strengthen the development of remaining oil reservoirs, based on the high-precision 3D seismic data of the Yakela area and guided by the theory of high-precision sequence stratigraphy, the high-precision stratigraphic division and comparative analysis of the Yakela area were carried out. Through ant body extraction, automatic layer tracking, and variable velocity mapping technology, 105 micro-faults were identified, the identification accuracy of low-amplitude structures was improved, and the distribution of low-amplitude structural traps with a minimum closure height of 2 meters was implemented. Based on the reservoir control factors such as structural location, trap characteristics, sedimentary reservoirs and oil and gas migration channels, the newly implemented low- amplitude structural traps were analyzed and evaluated, and favorable targets were selected, and then the favorable reservoir zones were comprehensively analyzed. The “ three-element reservoir control” favorable target optimization method suitable for low-amplitude struc- tural traps was summarizes, which is suitable for low-amplitude structural traps, and provides a reference for the evaluation of favorable targets in areas with similar geological conditions.