Abstract:For the problems of low efficiency and long computational time in the fluid-structure interaction of free-surface flow and elastic structure, an efficient fluid-structure coupling method for free surface flow is developed by combining the volume of fluid method with the fast dynamic mesh method based on the structure-pseudo elastomer. The free surface of the fluid was tracked by VOF method; the fluid domain was regarded as a pseudo elastomer, then the structure-pseudo elastomer system was constructed; the multiphase fluid force at the fluid-solid interface was used as the excitation to solve the dynamical equations of the system to obtain the structural vibration displacements and the mesh deformations of the flow field; the fluid flow, structural deformation, and the dynamic mesh were solved sequentially at each time step to solve the fluid-structure interaction problem. Based on the developed method, the fluid-structure coupling response of elastic baffle under the impact of dam-breaking flow is calculated. The motion behaviors of the free liquid surface of water and elastic baffle are obtained, the results show that: the free liquid surface evolution and elastic baffle vibrational displacements are well in agreement with those of the existing algorithm; under the same mesh size, the method can reduce the computational time by 33.3% compared with the existing algorithms; under the impact of water flow, the elastic baffle is bent slightly to the impact side. Then the water rises along the left side of the baffle and forms a jet, and the baffle is bent greatly to another side. Finally, the amplitude of the baffle gradually decreases due to the damping of the fluid on both sides.