



TP 311.5



A Novel Deep Learning Network for Tree Skeleton Reconstruction from Scanned points

Fund Project:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program, Key Program, Major Research Plan),The National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)

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    基于激光雷达(Light Detection And Ranging, LiDAR)数据重建树体三维模型并精准获取林木空间枝干结构参数是精准林业发展的必然趋势。本研究面向激光点云提出了一种融合基于晶格投影的深度学习网络,以及面向提取的枝干点云的树木模型骨架重建的方法。该深度学习网络包括旋转不变性模块、晶格投影与重心插值模块,多尺度变换与卷积操作层,通过将旋转变换后的点云晶格投影到三个坐标平面上再分别重心插值获得变换系数,解决了三维点云因排列无序而造成空间卷积困难的问题。以海南多类树木为研究对象,首先,把带枝叶标签的林木点云基团带入构造的深度学习网络中训练网络参数,实现测试样本中的林木数据的枝叶分离。其次,对分类后的树木枝干点云垂直分层并空间聚类,获取每层的聚类中心点并按相邻层中心点距离最小原则实现骨架链表构造,同时采用自适应随机抽样一致(random sample consensus,RANSAC )方法来计算的圆柱体拟合半径,以重建树木的各级枝干。最后,根据中心点连通的链表结构以及角度变化最小准则自动识别树木中的主枝干和各个一级分枝。通过与实测数据比对验证表明,深度学习枝叶分类准确率为91.31%,高于传统的机器学习分类方法7%左右。算法得到的橡胶树一级枝干直径与实测值比对为:决定系数(coefficient of determination, R2)=0.92, 均方根误差(root mean square error, RMSE)=0.64cm, 相对均方根误差(relative root mean square error, rRMSE)=6.39% ;相应的一级枝干与主枝干的分枝角与实测值比对为:R2=0.91, RMSE=3.32°, rRMSE=7.81%。本研究设计了深度学习网络与计算机图形学的算法快速精准从地基点云中重建树木的骨架模型,精度吻合实际测量值,具有一定推广价值。


    Accurate tree skeleton reconstruction and growth parameter retrieval from LiDAR data is a necessity tendency for precision forestry. For the scanned tree points, a lattice projection strategy fused deep learning network was proposed to realize wood-leaf point segmentation, and then computer graphics techniques were employed to realize tree skeleton modeling based on the segmented branch points. The proposed deep learning network includes the rotation invariance module, the lattice projection and barycentric interpolation module, the multi-scale transforms and convolution layers. Through the projection of the point clouds onto three coordinate planes according to lattice projection strategy and barycentric interpolation with the aim of appropriate network coefficient retrieval, the problem that 3D point clouds with the unordered spatial arrangement leading to difficulties in performing convolution operations is solved. Validated by many tree species in Hainan Island, the effectiveness of our approach was verified. The specific steps are as follows. First, the training sets composed of the scanned tree points with labeled wood-leaf class information was fed into the constructed deep learning network to optimize the weights of neuron networks. Then, the trained network was employed to segment wood-leaf points of the test samples composed of various tree species. Second, the segmented branch points were stratified into many layers according to a fixed height interval and the cluster centers of each layer were extracted using a spatial clustering algorithm. The connection relationship of the cluster centers belonging to each adjacent layer was determined based on the minimal Dijkstra distance and random sample consensus (RANSAC) was adopted to calculate the radius of each cylinder fitting every branch segment to constitute the whole tree skeleton. Finally, according to the linked list consisted of the central points of each layer and the criterion of minimum angle change, the trunk and first-order branches of the tree skeleton were automatically identified, which was utilized to assess the foliage clump volume borne on the corresponding branches. Compared with the manually leaf-wood segment results, the accuracy of classification using deep learning network is 91.31%, which is 7% higher than machine learning algorithms. A sound performance is also achieved for the estimated diameter of the first-order branches (coefficient of determination (R2) =0.92, root mean square error (RMSE) =0.64cm, relative root mean square error (rRMSE) =6.39%) and the included angle between first-order branches and trunk (R2=0.91, RMSE=3.32°, rRMSE=7.81%) using our method versus the field measurements for the study rubber trees. The proposed approach employed computer graphics theories and deep learning techniques to afford automatic and accurate tree skeleton reconstruction methodologies from raw scanned points, which have the potential and applicability in a range of tree species.


徐风,张博,袁星月,等. 一种深度学习网络的树木点云骨架重建方法[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2022, 22(18): 7952-7964.
Xu Feng, Zhang Bo, Yuan Xingyue, et al. A Novel Deep Learning Network for Tree Skeleton Reconstruction from Scanned points[J]. Science Technology and Engineering,2022,22(18):7952-7964.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-06-22
  • 最后修改日期:2022-06-08
  • 录用日期:2022-01-20
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-07-14
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一元复始,万象更新。祝作者朋友 元旦快乐!