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    In order to understand the propagation process of the transient electromagnetic field in the water-bearing subsidence column and the electromagnetic field response characteristics, it provides theoretical support for the transient electromagnetic method to detect the water-bearing area in front of the heading head in advance. The geophysical model of the full-space water-bearing collapse column of the mine was established, and the three-dimensional finite difference time domain algorithm based on Yee grid was used to simulate the electromagnetic field diffusion process, and the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the full-space transient electromagnetic field affected by the water-bearing collapse column , Analyzed the component in a certain direction of the electromagnetic field, and described the electric field vector in detail for the first time, analyzed the propagation law and response characteristics of the electric field vector, and finally verified the transient electromagnetic method through numerical model calculation examples and practical applications Detect the effectiveness and applicability of water-bearing collapse columns. The results show that the numerical simulation adopts CPML (Convolution Perfectly Matched Layer) boundaries suitable for transient electromagnetic field calculations, which can reduce the influence of the truncated boundary on the calculation results; During the simulation, the water-containing low-resistance body can significantly affect the transient electromagnetic field diffusion process. As the induced electric field continuously spreads upward and downward, since there are at least two extreme values of the electric field EX, Ey and Ez, if the distortion of the electric field is small , The change situation is easy to be submerged, which affects the accurate determination of the position of the abnormal body to a certain extent, indicating that only using a single direction field is not conducive to analyzing the exact range of the low-resistance abnormal body; The composite vector is used to describe the diffusion process of the electromagnetic field. The vector in the induced electric field has only a maximum value, which is located in the center of the graph. The induced electric field has reached the interior of the low-resistance collapse column at this time, and the distribution of the electric field is significantly affected by the collapse column. The resultant vector is used to describe the spread of electromagnetic waves, which can accurately analyze the position of anomalous objects, and can better reflect the characteristics of low-resistance objects such as electricity, shape, and location; Practical application also shows that the transient electromagnetic method can not only detect the water-bearing subsided column in front of the heading head, but also determine its position and distance. It shows that both numerical simulation and practical application show that the transient electromagnetic method is one of the effective methods to detect the water-bearing subsided column.


易洪春,袁永榜,牟义,等. 基于电磁场合矢量的陷落柱三维模拟及其探测[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2022, 22(18): 7789-7798.
Yi Hongchun, Yuan Yongbang, Mu Yi, et al. Research on 3d simulation and application of transient electromagnetic method and vector for water-bearing subsided column[J]. Science Technology and Engineering,2022,22(18):7789-7798.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-05-06
  • 最后修改日期:2022-03-21
  • 录用日期:2022-02-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-07-14
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