Abstract:In order to obtain the value of the traction force when the towbarless aircraft tractor pulls the aircraft nose landing gear, a detection method of sticking strain gauges to the stress deformation of the aircraft nose landing gear is proposed. According to the A320 aircraft nose landing gear structure and load characteristics, the finite element model is established. And the static simulation is conducted for the linear motion of the towbarless aircraft tractor towing and pushing the aircraft. The resistance front brace is sensitive to the bending and the force is concentrated, so it is selected as the strain measurement site. In order to improve response output and temperature compensation, the specific full bridge group bridge method is used to optimize the layout. In the load calibration test, the calibrated traditional towbar was used to tow and push the aircraft. The test results show that the strain output response characteristics are good. Through the analysis of the calibration data, the function relationship between the load of the resistance front brace and the traction force is established. In the actual measurement test of the towbarless aircraft tractor, the traction force value is obtained indirectly by using the calibration coefficient conversion, and it conforms to the changing law of the linear motion working condition.